IWEC Region Course

1IWEC Region Course

IWEC Region Course will focus in wine and spirits country or regions. Study hours of IWEC Region Course will be longer than IWEC Foundation that’s why the agenda is required to submit for approval. IWEC has 2 system for region course. They are:


2 IWEC Official Region course

It is the region course developed by IWEC or official wine region course integrated to IWEC. IWEC will provide PPT, suggested Wine List, suggested agenda to tutors including additional training to tutor. After the training, the tutors will also become region course assessor to release the certificates to attendees. 

The venue of the session can be freely decided if there is no special requirements for the examination environment. Tutors can also decide if the course will be charged or not.

3Tutor developed Region course

Tutor developed Region course is designed by tutors. The agenda, PPT and Wine List are all developed by tutors. It could be the event in wine exhibition or long term study in wine region. The topic, agenda, PPT and Wine List need submit to IWEC for approval. After approval, the session will be scheduled IWEC Region Course and all attendees will receive IWEC Region course certificate when course is accomplished. Each certificate will have unique student ID for permanent record.

IWEC will provide the suggested standards of venue to tutors for Region Course and IWEC will support IWEC Certified Tutors for PPT modification if there is need.
